2024 Compliance Collaborative Conference | Day 2

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Wednesday, September 25 | Conference Day 2

Schedule | Wednesday, September 25 | Conference Day 2

7:30 - 8:30am | Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:30 - 10:00am | KEYNOTE | Regulatory Update
1.5 NAB CEUs
Paula Sanders, Principal Chair, Health Care Practice Group, Post & Schell, P.C.

Hear about recent federal and state regulatory developments affecting long-term care and post-acute providers. Learn how to prepare your staff for increased enforcement initiatives and discuss Phase Three implementation issues. Develop compliance strategies for regulatory risk mitigation.

10:00 - 10:15am | Break

10:15 - 11:45am | CONCURRENT SESSIONS
1.5 NAB CEUs

Anatomy of a False Claims Case: Exploring the Interplay Between Compliance and Service Delivery
Ilene Warner-Maron, PhD, RN-BC, NHA, FCPP, Assistant Professor, Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Medicine

This session will identify the elements of the False Claims Act (FCA), how qui tam whistleblowers initiate cases and provide examples with direct impact on long-term care providers. Topics will include billing for rehabilitation services, COVID-19 violations, the illegal operation of a SNF, kickbacks, switching resident's healthcare coverage without consent, a pharmacy's improper dispensing of controlled substances, and inappropriate hospice referrals. We will discuss how the government conducts investigations of allegations and identifies "Failure to Care" and "Worthless Services" doctrines in determining if a FCA has merit.

Navigating Medicare Advantage and Why it Matters!
Chuck Maines, MBA, NHA, Vice President, Kairos Health Systems

In this session, attendees will explore a brief history and the growth of Medicare Advantage enrollment. From skilled care admission to notice of Medicare non-coverage (NOMNC), we will focus in on the compliance concerns and navigating the individual's stay through prior authorization, NOMNC, and notice of financial responsibility. In addition, we will review ways your facility may be able to improve outcomes through tracking of appeals.

12:00 - 1:00pm | Lunch


1.5 NAB CEUs

Enhancing the Culture of Safety Through Incident/Event Reporting
Jenny Sheckells, NHA, PCHA, CHC, CPASRM, Vice President of Risk Management, Resource Partners

A discussion of the importance of reporting incidents/events across the campuses and service lines of an organization and best practices for post-incident investigation. We will explore creative approaches to interventions and responses for risk managers and other safety leaders.

Taking Control: Mastering Cybersecurity in a Digital Age
John DiMaggio, BlueOrange Compliance

In today's digital era, cybersecurity is more critical than ever. Cyber threats continue to evolve in sophistication and frequency. This presentation was designed for business leaders, IT professionals, compliance officers and cybersecurity enthusiasts who seek to understand the complexities of cybersecurity and learn practical strategies to protect their organizations and take control.

2:30 - 2:45pm | Break


1.5 NAB CEUs

Therapy Check-In: Keeping Compliance in Focus
Angele Tran, OTR/L, CHC, CAPS, Compliance Manager, FSA

A therapy program is a critical component of any organization’s operation, making it essential for leaders to understand both its benefits and vulnerabilities, regardless of the therapy model in place. Whether the organization utilizes contracted therapy, in-house therapy, or a management therapy model, compliance standards remain consistent. This presentation focuses on practical strategies aligned with the seven elements of effective compliance programs to help maintain compliance in therapy. It aims to equip attendees with best practices and insights to bolster compliance initiatives, ensuring regulatory adherence, operational efficiency, and the delivery of high-quality care in post-acute care settings.

FY2025 SNF PPS Final Rule
Stephanie Kessler, Partner, RKL LLP

Participants will delve into the intricacies of the Fiscal Year 2025 Skilled Nursing Facility Prospective Payment System (SNF PPS) Final Rule released by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Designed for healthcare administrators, billers, compliance officers, and clinicians within the skilled nursing sector, this program aims to provide attendees with an understanding of the latest payment system updates, regulatory requirements and operational implications.

4:15 - 4:30pm | Wrap-up

Registration Fees

Emergency Preparedness Pre-Conference Workshop | September 23

FSA CC Partner Non-Affiliate
$365 $450


11th Annual Conference | September 24-25

FSA CC Partner Non-Affiliate
2 Day | $450 2 Day | $550
1 Day | $250 1 Day | $350