About Friends Services Alliance

About FSA | Friends Services Alliance

About FSA

Friends Services Alliance (FSA) is a national professional association of values-aligned organizations that serve seniors. We support both staff and governing boards of CCRCs/life plan communities, home care groups, foundations and others by providing a spectrum of professional services specifically designed for our industry. We have been doing so for more than 30 years.

FSA's approach to working with both members and partners is rooted in our Quaker heritage. These values guide our work through a focus on best practices, the highest quality service, and the belief that all people shall be treated with dignity and respect.

Our Mission:

To advance the performance of values-aligned organizations that serve seniors through training, services and relationships.

Our Vision:

A growing collaborative of organizations that serve seniors: focused on excellence, prepared for the future.

Our Values:

Inner Light, integrity, gentle bravery, being community, presence

Commitment to Diversity:

The members of Friends Services Alliance believe that their communities and services are enriched by diversity within their organizations. Their Quaker values lead to a policy of inclusion, of seeking out diversity and of nondiscrimination.

Our commitment to diversity flows from our common Quaker identity and values. Friends believe that each human life is sacredthat there is "that of God" in each person. This conviction has led to more than three centuries of Quaker action to promote equality, respect for differences, and the dignity of all people. 

FSA member organizations are committed to making their services to the aging a part of this heritage.


FSA is a 501(c)(3) organization.  The IRS 990 is available upon request.

About the FSA Compliance Collaborative

Compliance Directors

The FSA Compliance Collaborative was formed in cooperation with twelve member organizations in January 2000 in response to the federal government’s initiatives related to fraud, waste and abuse. Through this union, the founding members saw the need to have the role of Compliance Officer be a separate and distinct role, not a dual role of an existing staff person. 

Though it was originally developed by the Quaker organizations, the program was soon expanded to provide services to Brethren and Mennonite organizations, and became known as the Peace Church Compliance Program (PCCP). The program further expanded in  2008 to embrace other faith-based non-profit healthcare organizations. In 2014, the program expanded to include non-profit organizations that were not faith-based, but were still aligned in values. Over the years, the program has been redesigned to provide various levels of service based upon organizational needs.

The primary mission of the FSA Compliance Collaborative is to partner with post-acute healthcare organizations in designing, implementing and sustaining an effective compliance program that reinforces the commitment of the organization to today's compliance standards. We provide compliance, and HIPAA services to more than 90 life plan/continuing care retirement communities in 17 states.

Hallmarks Illustration

See for yourself how values impact the work we do: view the video of the FSA Membership Values Summit.