Emergency Preparedness for Continuing Care Providers

2024 Pre-Conference Workshop
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FSA Compliance Collaborative Conference 2024

SCHEDULE | Monday, September 23 | Emergency Preparedness Pre-Conference Workshop

8:00 - 9:00am | Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:00 - 10:30am |
The Essentials of Aggression Management in a Senior Living Community

1.5 NAB CEUs
Steven Wilder, BA, CHSP, STS Healthcare safety and security consultant and co-author of the book The Essentials of Aggression Management in Healthcare

Workplace violence is at near-epidemic proportions in healthcare facilities of all types. Being able to recognize and diffuse aggressive behavior before violence erupts is of critical importance. You will be introduced to the aggression continuum, which represents the six levels of behavioral changes a person typically goes through between calm and physically violent. The session will also include details on proven de-escalants when dealing with cognitively impaired residents.

10:30 - 10:45am | Break

10:45 - 12:15pm |
Common Life Safety Deficiencies and Strategies for Compliance

1.5 NAB CEUs
Stan Szpytek, Emergency Preparedness Consultant; Retired Deputy Fire Chief/Fire Marshal

Life Safety Code compliance is an essential and challenging element of facility operations. Providers are compelled to provide a safe and compliant environment of care in Long-Term Care (LTC) facilities and senior living communities. This session will identify common code deficiencies and strategies for compliance to help ensure appropriate levels of life safety in these types of occupancies.

12:15 - 1:15pm | Lunch

1:15 - 2:45pm |
Creating and Maintaining a Secure LTC Facility

1.5 NAB CEUs
Steven Wilder

Every executive director or administrator would like to believe that his or her facility is a haven of security...but is it? More and more, we are hearing of acts of violence and aggression in senior care communities across the nation. In this session, you will learn simple and effective steps to improve levels of security on campus and reduce the chance of a security breach or violent incident. 

2:45-3:00pm | Break

3:00 - 4:15pm |
Emergency Preparedness from a Physical Plant Perspective

1.25 NAB CEUs

A facilitated discussion with subject matter experts, including Steve Wilder and two facilities management professionals from the membership, to present tips and tricks to help ensure that the “physical plant” is ready for emergencies and disasters. This informative session will tap into the experience and expertise of well-seasoned professionals responsible for developing, sustaining and supporting a safe and secure environment of care and services.

4:15 - 4:30pm |

.25 NAB CEUs
Stan Szpytek

A facilitated discussion with the audience to identify key takeaways from the day's sessions and explore the type of content attendees would like to learn more about.  


Registration Fees

Emergency Preparedness Pre-Conference Workshop | September 23

FSA CC Partner Non-Affiliate
$365 $450


11th Annual Conference | September 24-25

FSA CC Partner Non-Affiliate
2 Day | $450 2 Day | $550
1 Day | $250 1 Day | $350