Intercultural Communication Skills

Educational Session

Intercultural Communication

In an organization where diversity is a key value, the ability to communicate effectively across cultures is vital. Join us for a learning lab where we explore insights needed to navigate cultural nuances, begin to understand barriers, and foster meaningful connections across differences.

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

-Define intercultural communication and identify the benefits of intercultural communication skills
-Identify what can hinder intercultural communication
-Identify some cultural values and ways of communicating in different cultures
-Plan and implement strategies to improve your intercultural communication skills

This course is ideal for anyone who interacts with diverse groups and seeks to build effective cross-cultural relationships.

Location: Virtual via Zoom

Cost: (Before selecting the fee, please check your organization's membership level) 

  • $60/FSA core member
    Not sure? View the list of FSA core members.
  • $85/compliance partner/non-member
    Not sure? View the list of FSA Compliance and Risk partners.
  • Group Rate: 10% discount for a group of more than 10 individuals from the same organization. Buy a Learning Lab Package for the best pricing.

Please click here to view if your organization is an FSA core member, and here if your organization is an FSA Compliance and Risk partner. 

View our recommended tips to maximize your learning experience.

CEU credits available

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