Tools to Manage Microaggressions
Educational Session

Microaggressions are defined as the everyday, subtle, intentional — and oftentimes unintentional — interactions or behaviors that communicate some sort of bias toward historically marginalized groups. We’ll discuss survival strategies, prevention steps and how to spot concerning behaviors.
Program Objectives:
-Explore the importance of addressing microaggressions
-Develop new strategies and tools
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Cost: (Before selecting the fee, please check your organization's membership level)
- $60/FSA core member
Not sure? View the list of FSA core members. - $85/compliance partner/non-member
Not sure? View the list of FSA Compliance and Risk partners. - Group Rate: 20% discount for a group of more than ten (10) individuals from the same organization.
Please click here to view if your organization is an FSA core member and here if your organization is an FSA Compliance Collaborative partner.
View our recommended tips to maximize your learning experience.
CEU credits available