"I loved every moment of the ten weeks I was at Foxdale. I learned countless lessons from (my preceptor) and others, achieved the goals set for my experience, and gained new interests that may lead me down a career path I didn’t consider going into my internship. I’ve created several connections that I know will be beneficial to me in the future and lasting memories that will help me become a better healthcare leader."
Connor Burke, Residency Intern at Foxdale Village
Experiences of the 2021 FSA Interns
2021 Interns

"This experience impacted how I see myself and my future career plans, as I really enjoyed the creativity of the internship, getting different opinions, and trying to help the organization itself in the future for better success. It also exposed me to a new career path. Prior to this internship I was solely focused on the hotel side of hospitality, but after this experience it has opened up my interests to explore employment in senior living communities."
Sammy Kaplan, Intern at Friends Services Alliance
"My internship was everything I expected and more. My goal going into the internship was to grow both as an individual and a professional… I believe I was able to accomplish my goals. This internship was an amazing opportunity for me to expand my knowledge as a marketer as well as gain hands-on experience specifically in the field of my interest. Because of this internship I was exposed to an area of marketing I had not previously experienced in my studies."
Elizabeth Myers, Intern at Friends House Retirement Community

"Every day I was taught something new that often went beyond the diversity office. I learned how diversity plays a role in even the smallest things that we do not think about."
Sheila Nalwoga, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Intern at Broadmead

"The (Friends House Retirement Community) Human Resources Director is one of the most amazing preceptors I got to work with. She was always ready to teach me employment laws, and how to take care of each employee, make them happy and motivate them."
Saloni Patel, Human Resources Intern at Friends House Retirement Community

"I was able to experience life as an administrator that brought valuable knowledge for me now and in the future."
Julie Waller, Intern at Kendal at Oberlin