Reflection: Allyship

Reflection Questions

  • How can we, as a community/organization, better educate ourselves about the diverse backgrounds and experiences of our residents/clients and staff? What specific activities or resources can we introduce to facilitate this learning?
  • Have you ever encountered or witnessed biases within our community/organization? How can we collectively work to recognize and address these biases to ensure everyone feels respected and valued?
  • Can you share an instance when you had to address a disrespectful or discriminatory comment or action in our community/organization? How can we create an environment where everyone feels empowered to speak up against injustice?
  • What does supporting each other look like in our community/organization? How can we ensure that we are helping our peers and staff in a way that respects their autonomy and empowers them rather than attempting to "rescue" them?
  • In what ways can we, as individuals and as a community/organization, leverage our resources to support underrepresented groups within our organization? What actions can we take to share our time, knowledge, and connections to promote inclusivity and support important causes?


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