Reflection: Pronouns

Reflection Questions

  1. Why is it important to use the correct pronouns for everyone in our community, including staff, residents, and clients?
    • This question encourages participants to reflect on the significance of pronoun usage in fostering respect and inclusivity for all members of the community.
  2. How can sharing your pronouns help create a more inclusive environment in our community?
    • This question prompts discussion on the practical steps individuals can take to normalize pronoun sharing and its impact on inclusivity within the community.

  3. What are some strategies you can use to avoid assuming someone's pronouns based on their appearance, whether they are staff, residents, or clients?
    • This question aims to generate ideas on how to approach pronoun usage sensitively and appropriately for all community members.
  4. What should you do if you accidentally use the wrong pronouns for someone in our community, be it a staff member, resident, or client?
    • This question helps participants understand the appropriate way to handle mistakes and emphasizes the importance of correcting them respectfully.
  5. How can we, as a community, incorporate pronoun usage into our daily interactions to ensure everyone feels respected and included?
    • This question encourages participants to think about practical ways to consistently use correct pronouns and lead by example within the entire community.


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