Resource Center

Board & Organizational Development

Collaborative Decision Making Part 1: Overview (Video)

An overview of the collaborative decision-making process. Part 1 of 3.

The Quaker Connection Video Series offers perspectives on living and working...

Board & Organizational Development

Quakerism: Frequently Asked Questions (Video)

Do Quakers celebrate birthdays? How do they feel about the military? Are Quakers Christian? Hear answers to these and other questions commonly asked...

Board & Organizational Development

Quakers as Change Agents (Video)

Quakers have been involved in societal change throughout time, and continue to impact society despite their relatively small number, only about 75,000...

Board & Organizational Development

Quaker Values in the Lives of Our Organizations (Video)

How do Quaker traditions come to life in organizations? What does it mean to work, volunteer and live with, or receive services from, an organization...

Board & Organizational Development

Quaker History and Beliefs: An Overview (Video)

An introduction to the history and principles upon which Quakerism was founded.

The Quaker Connection Video Series offers perspectives on living and...

FSA members

FSA 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting Resources

Board & Organizational Development
Principles of Good Governance

Principles of Good Governance

Like many organizations, your board is likely full of educated, insightful folks who are brimming with passion and dedication for the work you do. Yet...


Top 10 Compliance Issues to Watch in 2021

Ransomware attacks and COVID-related OSHA investigations are two areas that senior living compliance officials should keep an eye on in 2021. Check...


December 13, 2021 Compliance Official Webinar

Supporting materials for the December 13, 2021 Compliance Official Webinar. 

A recording of the webinar is here

Red binders

Compliance 101 Program Chapter 12: HIPAA Preview

FSA Compliance has created a compilation of documents that is used at "Compliance 101" training for new Compliance Officials. These documents are good...