Resource Center

PEER Support Services
PEER Support Services
Risk Management

File Manager Guides

These guides have been developed as training tools for File Managers. They cover basic File Manager information, as well as guidance on developing...

PEER Support Services
PEER Support Services
Risk Management

Event Forms for Use During PEER Outages

Most common forms to use when PEER is down for scheduled maintenance, or if it goes down unexpectedly.

Board & Organizational Development

Collaborative Decision Making Part 2: Role of Participants (Video)

The role of the participant in the Quaker collaborative decision-making process. Part 2 of 3.

The Quaker Connection Video Series offers perspectives...

Board & Organizational Development

Collaborative Decision Making Part 3: Role of Facilitator/Clerk/Chair (Video)

The role of the facilitator, clerk or chair in the Quaker collaborative decision-making process. Part 3 of 3. 

The Quaker Connection Video Series...

Board & Organizational Development

Quaker Principles | SPICES (Video)

Perspectives on the principles of Quakerism and the acronym SPICES, which stands for Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality and Stewardship...

FSA members
Board & Organizational Development
FSA Governance Ready-to-use Tools

Questions for Potential Board Members | Ready-to-use Governance Tools

Sample questions to ask when interviewing potential Board members for your nonprofit organization.

From the FSA Ready-to-use Governance Tool library...

FSA members
Board & Organizational Development
FSA Governance Ready-to-use Tools

Where Boards Function | Ready-to-use Governance Tools

Boards are naturally pulled toward operational information and work — it’s where many of them have experience and it is where they are comfortable...

FSA members
Board & Organizational Development
FSA Governance Ready-to-use Tools

Board Composition Grid | Ready-to-use Governance Tools

A model practice for Board composition is to consider the skills and attributes needed on your Board.

Using a grid such as this to list those...

FSA members
Board & Organizational Development
FSA Governance Ready-to-use Tools

Board Meeting Communication Template | Ready-to-use Governance Tools

There is a fine line between providing a board with just the right amount of information needed to make informed decisions.

Too often we see board...

Board & Organizational Development
LeadingAge image

Creating Your Own Board Self-Assessment Tool

Free for LeadingAge members. Jane Mack shares tips for developing a board self-assessment tool, including the structure and process to follow...